Friday 25 March 2011

Getting my hands dirty

This week I worked on finalizing the layout of the letter pages of my book of which there will be 26 total. Using the content I have for letter 'F' and topic 'Facebook' and keeping swiss modernism in mind, I came up with both regular and reversed out options.

Then it was time to do some mocking up which meant time to finally tear up my encyclopedias. Since I don't plan to use any part of volume three for my final book, I'm using it to test printing and binding. To get some pages out of the book in tact, I found the center of a folio and snipped the thread holding it into the binding.

Then I trimmed a few of the pages down to A4 size and sent them through my ink jet printer. To my delight, both drafts turned out legible and the paper didn't jam. I'm thinking now of alternating both styles throughout. For my final book, I will trim them further to create a full bleed look.

I then removed the cover and binding from volume three.

I estimate my book will consist of about 32 pages or 16 folded pieces of paper. These will work nicely in two eight-page folios.

I slapped some tape on this version to bind it but for my final, I want to speak with a printer about my options. I'm hoping I can get someone to perfect bind it for me but I may have to explore coil or ring bindings.

Next week: more content, more layout!

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